维修妙技驱车障 服务真心暖客情
Maintenance skills, driving obstacles, service truly warm the customer's feelings
——Interview with Yu Tanping, Chairman of Hengci Jiahe Automobile Sales Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Editor's note:
Their experience may not be magnificent, and their story may not be a legendary anecdote, but it is precisely because of their unremitting efforts that the 30-year journey of China's auto repair industry has bloomed with such brilliant brilliance; It is precisely by virtue of their hard work that the brilliant achievements of China Auto Repair in the past 30 years are so remarkable.

They, as the leaders of auto repair enterprises, control the direction of the enterprise; they, are the powerful promoters of auto repair technology progress, driving the innovation of technology with wisdom and sweat; they, are the participants and true witnesses of the 30-year development of China's auto repair industry, witnessing every step of the industry's growth and transformation.
相较于众多在中国汽修产业中资历深厚的老牌企业,成立时间相对较晚的恒慈佳合汽车销售服务(上海)有限公司(以下简称 “恒慈佳合”)虽并非汽修行业中历史最为悠久者,但其在中国汽修业界却无疑是践行中国文化用心服务于客户的企业之一。
Compared with many well-established enterprises in China's auto repair industry, although Hengci Jiahe Automobile Sales and Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hengci Jiahe") was established relatively late, it is not the oldest in the auto repair industry, but it is undoubtedly one of the enterprises that practice Chinese culture and serve customers with care in China's auto repair industry.
From the beginning of the establishment of the difficult ups and downs, and gradually grow into the guests recognized vehicle maintenance and repair business; Hengzi Kaohe's development almost perfectly coincides with the strenuous and dedicated philosophy of one man, Hengzi Kahoe Automobile Sales Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Chairman Yu Tanping.

艰苦创业 扎根汽保行业
Starting a business from scratch and establishing a foothold in the automotive maintenance industry
Yu Tanping, an enterpriser who writes a special chapter of pioneering with his love and persistence in the field of vehicle maintenance and repair. In 1986, he was born into an ordinary peasant family, no 985, no 211, no prominent family background, some only had two hands and a heart to pursue a better life.
Since entering the industry at the age of 20, the wheel of fortune has begun to turn, and is closely linked to the vehicle maintenance and repair industry.

In the first seven or eight years of his career, he was like a seed deeply buried in the grassroots soil, silently absorbing nutrients in grassroots positions. Starting from the most basic position, he did not slack off at all. With unyielding perseverance and tireless diligence, he climbed step by step. From an ordinary apprentice to a middle worker, team leader, and technical director, every promotion was a witness to his efforts and the harvest of his sweat.
In this process, he not only accumulated rich industry experience, but also had a deep and thorough understanding of the engine, chassis, body, electrical equipment and other major links of major automobile brands. He also developed outstanding management ability and learned how to lead a team, coordinate resources and cope with challenges. However, he carried a burning entrepreneurial flame in his heart, which became more vigorous with the passage of time. He had a keen and profound insight into the development of the industry, knowing that it contained infinite potential and opportunities, and was unwilling to play the role of a supporting actor on someone else's stage.

2023年,他迫而不得已踏上充满未知与艰辛的创业征程。创立了恒慈佳合汽车销售服务(上海)有限公司,开启了属于自己的辉煌事业篇章。 恒慈佳合的诞生,宛如一颗新星在汽车维修行业的天空中升起,成为余坦平事业新的起点与里程碑,也见证了他与行业相互依存、共同成长的历程。
In 2023, he was forced to embark on an entrepreneurial journey full of unknowns and difficulties. He founded Hengzi Kaohe Automobile Sales Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and began his own brilliant career chapter. The birth of Hengcijiahe, like a new star rising in the sky of vehicle maintenance and repair industry, is a new starting point and milestone of Yu Tanping's career, and also witnessed his interdependence and common growth with the industry.

恒慈佳合是在沮丧、迷茫且别人不看好的情况下产生的,但余坦平凭借着对汽车行业的深刻理解与精准把握,敏锐地察觉到汽车维修行业背后潜藏的巨大市场需求。在当今时代,汽车维修行业乱象丛生,一是价格不真:挂羊头卖狗肉,以次充好;二是维修方案不真:A 配件损坏,让你换 ABCD; 三是说法不真:明明损坏程度可以下次维修,偏偏会夸大其词吓唬客人。
Hengcijiahe was born in frustration, confusion and disapproval, but Yu Tanping, with a deep understanding and accurate grasp of the automotive industry, keenly aware of the huge needs of the vehicle maintenance and repair industry. In the present era, the vehicle maintenance and repair industry chaos, one is the price is not true: sell dog meat, shoddy; Second, the maintenance program is not true: A parts damage, let you change ABCD; Third, the claim is not true: when the damage is so severe that it can be repaired the next time, the exaggeration will scare the guests.
True service and goodness and beauty are the core keys of a company's growth. So a "true" character of the key business philosophy was put forward, Hengcijiahe to do, is to tell people that the vehicle maintenance and repair industry in addition to fraud, and the truth; Besides dirt on your hands, cleanse yourself; Besides having no ink on the chest, you can also have a full belly.

Strengthen learning and improve technical strength
In the new era, China's economic landscape has been deeply reshaped, and the wave of energy transition has been turbulent and vigorous. Against the backdrop of continuously optimizing the economic structure, accelerating the technological revolution in automobiles, accelerating the replacement of non-fossil fuels and tightening ecological environment restrictions, The iterative upgrading of automotive brands is like a double-edged sword, bringing unprecedented opportunities and serious challenges to the automotive industry and the entire maintenance industry.
In the torrent of opportunities and challenges, only by mastering solid internal skills can we ride the waves and stand at the forefront. When standing side by side with first-class enterprises, the shortcomings of small and medium-sized enterprises are clearly visible, and the most lacking are technical shortcomings and service spirit. For a long time, "price non-transparency, repair non-transparency, exaggerating damaged content" seems to have become an indelible label on the small and medium-sized automotive repair enterprises.

However, the rise of Hengci Jiahe is like a brilliant star, pioneering the auto repair industry. The success of Hengci Jiahe is not accidental, but rather the result of sincere service attitude and unremitting research on various vehicle technologies. Yu Tanping deeply realized that in the fierce market competition, strong technical strength and sincere service attitude are the only way to stand out.
To this end, Yu Tanping has always adhered to two core principles: to be guided by user needs and to be centered on solid technology. He has spared no effort to learn new technologies and new methods. These investments are like fertile soil, nourishing the sincere seeds to continuously sprout and grow.

For the vehicle maintenance and repair market, Yu Tanping as a keen hunter, always pay attention to the market dynamics and industry trend of every hint of trouble. He closely follows the subtle changes in the iterative upgrading of major automotive brands, whether it is new technology from peers, new trends in consumer demand, or new changes in policy and regulations, and he can detect and analyze them in a timely manner. Based on this precise market intelligence, he has the flexibility to adjust the company's technology requirements, ensuring that the technologies among his colleagues always meet the needs of market developments. Whenever a new automotive technology or concept emerges on the market, Heng Sijiahui, led by Yu Tanping, is always able to react quickly. Like a highly trained elite force, with its strong technical capabilities, it has always maintained a leading position in the market competition, continuously writing a brilliant chapter of reconciliation.

匠心精神 铸就辉煌篇章
Craftsmanship spirit creates a glorious chapter
On the vast stage of the business world, the saying "excellence in quality, fame in the world, credibility in life" has always shone brightly, and Hengci Jiahe Automobile Sales Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., led by Yu Tanping, is a faithful practitioner of this concept.

恒慈佳合凭借着对匠心精神的执着坚守,在行业内崭露头角并收获诸多殊荣与机遇。被美孚中国邀请出席甲辰龙年第一场直播节目,开启了其在公众视野中闪耀的新征程。2024年一月份受邀参加《对话匠心栏目的初选》,二月接受了栏目组的复审,每一次的审核都是对其匠心品质的严格检验,而恒慈佳合都以出色的表现顺利过关。五月到农业部录制节目,更是彰显了其在行业内的独特地位与广泛影响力,直至11 月25日在央视新影视频道播出,让全国观众都见证了恒慈佳合的专业与魅力。11月27日浙江省电视台大型电视专题报道《时代新风》栏目来店采访拍摄,深入挖掘恒慈佳合背后的匠心故事与经营智慧。12 月 10 日CCTV-7来店拍摄采访,这一系列的媒体聚焦,如同聚光灯照亮了恒慈佳合前行的道路。同时,恒慈佳合受邀出席在上海举办的第八届公益事业大典,在公益的道路上积极践行社会责任,展现企业的大爱情怀;受邀出席《攀登者》对话栏目,与各界精英共话行业发展与挑战,汲取前行的力量;受邀出席在北京举行的第七届品牌强国经济论坛,在国家品牌战略的大舞台上,发出恒慈佳合的强音;受邀出席外交使节盛宴,以国际化的视野拓展企业的格局与境界;受邀出席第六届在福建福州举行的华夏经济发展高峰论坛,与各界翘楚共商经济发展大势。并且被选中由“中国文化协会”联合“中国商业出版社”出版的《铸梦新时代》封面、被选中《环球人物》封面人物,这无疑是对余坦平及其团队莫大的肯定与荣耀。
With its dedication to the spirit of craftsmanship, Hengzi Kaohsiung has emerged in the industry and reaped many accolades and opportunities. Having been invited by Mobil China to attend Cai Chenlong's first live show, it has embarked on a new journey of shining in the public eye. In January 2024, he was invited to participate in the preliminary selection of the Dialogue Craftsmanship section, and in February he was reviewed by the editorial team. Each review was a strict test of its craftsmanship quality, and Hengzi Kaohsiung passed the test with outstanding performance. In May, he recorded a program at the Ministry of Agriculture, which further demonstrated its unique position and broad influence in the industry, until it was broadcast on CCTV's new film and television channel on November 25, allowing national viewers to witness the professionalism and charm of Hengzi Kaohe. On November 27, Zhejiang Television's large television feature "The New Climate" column was interviewed and filmed in person, digging deep into the craftsmanship story and operational wisdom behind Hengzi Kaohe. On December 10th, CCTV-7 came to the store to shoot an interview, this series of media focus, like a spotlight illuminating the road ahead of Hengcijia. At the same time, Hengzijiahui was invited to attend the 8th Public Goods Awards held in Shanghai, actively practicing social responsibility on the path of public goods, and demonstrating the great love of the company. Invited to attend the Climbing People's Dialogue to discuss industry developments and challenges with elites from all walks of life, and draw strength for moving forward. Invited to attend the 7th Brand Powers Economic Forum in Beijing, giving a strong voice of unity and coordination on the grand stage of national brand strategy; Invited to attend the diplomatic envoys' feast to expand the corporate landscape and realm with an international perspective; He was invited to attend the sixth China Economic Development Summit Forum held in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, to discuss the general trend of economic development with leaders from all walks of life. And being chosen for the cover of "Dreaming for a New Era" published by the "Chinese Cultural Association" jointly with "China Business Press" and being elected for the cover figure of "People of the World," is undoubtedly a great recognition and honor for Yu Tanping and his team.

这些成就的背后,是恒慈佳合对每一个服务环节的精雕细琢。从汽车维修的专业咨询,到售后服务的贴心关怀,每一位员工都秉持着匠心,将客户的需求放在首位。无论是车辆的展示陈列,还是维修保养的精细操作,都力求做到极致。在维修过程中,维修人员耐心地为客户讲解每一个零部件的特点与优势,根据客户的实际需求提供个性化的维修服务,绝不敷衍了事。而在售后维修车间,技术人员以严谨的态度对待每一辆进店的汽车,运用先进的检测设备和精湛的维修技术,确保车辆恢复到最佳状态。 余坦平深知,匠心精神不仅是对产品和服务质量的追求,更是一种企业文化的传承与发扬。
Behind these achievements is the meticulous attention paid to every aspect of the service provided by Heng Sweeping. From the professional vehicle maintenance and repair to the intimate care, every employee uphold the ingenuity, the needs of customers first. Whether it is the display of vehicles or the fine operation of repairs and maintenance, we strive to achieve the very best. During the maintenance process, the maintenance personnel patiently explain the characteristics and advantages of each component to the customer, provide personalized maintenance services according to the actual needs of the customer, and never give in. At the aftermarket repair shop, technicians treat each car that enters the shop with a strict attitude, applying advanced inspection equipment and superb repair technology to ensure that the vehicle is restored to its best condition. Yu Tanping knows that the spirit of craftsmanship is not only the pursuit of quality of service, but also the inheritance and development of corporate culture.
He set an example by leading the team to continuously learn and innovate, actively introducing advanced management concepts and technical means, and enhancing the core competitiveness of the enterprise. Within the enterprise, training courses are regularly conducted to encourage employees to learn from each other and make progress together, creating a strong learning atmosphere and cultural soil of craftsmanship spirit.

It is this all-round practice of the spirit of craftsmanship that makes Hengci Jiahe stand out in the fierce market competition, step by step to forge its own glorious chapter, and also sets an example for the entire automobile sales service industry, inspiring more enterprises to bravely pursue the road of craftsmanship, injecting continuous positive energy and the exemplary force of high-quality service into the business world. In the future, Hengci Jiahe will continue to adhere to the spirit of craftsmanship, move towards higher goals, and continue to write a more brilliant business legend.
Upholding the great principles of Chinese culture, taking on the responsibility of the enterprise
At a time when the business world is thriving, Mr. Yu Tanping discusses the responsibility of enterprises, which is a wake-up call: "It is not wrong for enterprises to pursue profits, but they also have a profound role in educating people. People often think that education is the responsibility of schools and parents, but in fact, enterprises also have a responsibility. A superior corporate culture should harmonize with the people-oriented culture of the country, otherwise, it will be in conflict with the education of the academy and the upbringing of the family. If an enterprise only pursues profits and disregards public order and good customs, it is a crime against the country and a rebellion against the nation."

Scholars in the field of Chinese studies are as numerous as the stars in the sky and as profound as the ocean. They are indeed a treasure trove of wisdom for living and a good method for accumulating wealth. Since its inception, Hengci Jiahe has rooted the cultivation of talents and virtues in its corporate culture. During this period, Chinese studies have not only been used as a strategy for corporate governance but also as a method for business management. This is the origin of the name Hengci Jiahe. "Heng" means constant, which means to adhere to one's original intention without deviation, to be cautious from beginning to end without ceasing, as stated in "The Great Learning": "The Way of the Great Learning is to enlighten one's virtue, to be kind to the people, and to strive for the highest good." With unwavering perseverance, one can achieve a lofty state. "Ciyuan" comes from the key meaning of "Ciyuan" in the "Tao Te Ching": "The first virtue is kindness, the second is frugality, and the third is not daring to be the first in the world." With a kind heart as the foundation, courage naturally arises, responsibility is taken on the shoulders, and strength is gathered, which is in line with the profound meaning of "Heaven will save him and protect him with kindness." "Jiahe" means the gathering and blending of good things, which is similar to the meaning of "Jiahe" in "The Analects": "A gentleman is harmonious but not identical." Harmony and symbiosis coexist. Therefore, Hengci Jiahe is based on kindness, guiding our hearts and actions to achieve the state of harmony, which is the true meaning of its name.
自恒慈佳合汽车销售服务(上海)有限公司创立伊始,余坦平先生便依循国学精义,确立八条企业文化,以为企业立身之本、行事之则。 其一曰“真”,此乃企业之核。如《庄子·渔父》云:“真者,精诚之至也,不精不诚,不能动人。”于商道中秉持真诚无妄之心,方可立根本、通财路、得人心。 论及专业,当明专业非止一端之果,实乃持续精进之程。恰如《礼记·大学》所言:“苟日新,日日新,又日新。”于当下,倾尽全力提供最优之服务,不断修习磨砺,方能于行业中崭露头角,以精专之能事,赢市场之青睐。
Since the founding of Hengci Jiahe Automobile Sales Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Mr. Yu Tanping has adhered to the essence of Chinese culture and established eight corporate cultures as the foundation and principle of the enterprise. The first is "authenticity," which is the core of the enterprise. As said in Zhuangzi's "Fisherman": "Authenticity is the utmost sincerity. Without sincerity, one cannot move others." In the business world, adhering to a sincere and honest heart is the foundation, the path to wealth, and the way to win people's hearts. When it comes to professionalism, it should be understood that professionalism is not just the result of one aspect, but rather a continuous process of improvement. Just like what is said in "The Book of Rites - The Great Learning": "If you are new every day, you will be new every day, and you will be new every day." At present, we should make every effort to provide the best service, constantly practice and refine ourselves, so that we can stand out in the industry and win the favor of the market with our expertise.

于宾客之道,当知每位莅临之客皆为上宾,皆怀友善之心而来。如《论语·学而》所讲:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?”吾辈当反求诸己,修善自身,以感恩之心待客,视宾客之选乃赐吾等自省进益之良机,竭诚服务,不负所托。 待同事之谊,应遵“爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之”之理。今日助彼,他时亦可得援,不设无端障碍,减其忧难,增其悦豫。同事齐心,其利断金,共筑和谐奋进之业途。 省视自身,则以安全为首,日求寸进。恰似《荀子·劝学》云:“不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。
In the way of guests, we should know that every guest who comes is a distinguished guest and comes with a friendly heart. As stated in "The Analects of Confucius - The Book of Learning": "Isn't it a pleasure to have friends come from afar?" We should reflect on ourselves, improve ourselves, and treat guests with gratitude. We should see the choice of guests as an opportunity for self-reflection and self-improvement. We should serve with sincerity and fulfill our responsibilities. In the way of colleagues, we should follow the principle that "those who love others will always be loved, and those who respect others will always be respected." Today's help to others can also lead to support in the future. We should not create unnecessary obstacles, reduce their worries and difficulties, and increase their happiness. When colleagues work together, their strength is unmatched. Together, we can build a harmonious and forward-looking career path. Reflecting on ourselves, we should prioritize safety and make progress day by day. Just as "Xunzi - Advice on Learning" says, "Without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles; without accumulating small streams, one cannot create a river and sea."

论及国家大义,当遵“修身齐家治国平天下”之序。勿为社会添扰,勤勉于事,即为报国之行。先善己身,顾全亲邻,若有余力,则广施善举,兼济他人,此乃余坦平之社会责任,亦为恒慈佳合之大义担当。 逢困难之境,当怀无畏之心。《论语·子罕》云:“岁寒,然后知松柏之后凋也。”困难当前,若能克之,则可得诸般收益,快乐、自信、方法、胸怀皆为其馈,此乃困境磨心、增益其所不能之理。 至于第九条关乎世界之理念,余坦平先生笑言:“且留待后来者依凭国学智慧与时代精神,补全此篇华章,使余坦平的恒慈佳合企文化,与世界同频,共谱大同之序曲。
When it comes to the greater good of the country, it is necessary to follow the principle of "cultivating one's own self and governing one's country and making the whole world a reality." Do not disturb society, and work diligently is a journey to return home. Being kind to oneself, caring for one's neighbours, and doing kindness to others if there is anything I can do to help others. This is my shared social responsibility and my duty to promote goodwill and harmony. In difficult situations, be fearless. The Analects of Zohan say, "When the year is cold, they know that the pine is wilted afterwards." If we can overcome difficulties at present, we can gain all kinds of benefits. Happiness, confidence, methods, and a sense of outlook are all rewards. This is the reason why difficulties can harden the heart and increase the benefits. As for the idea of Article 9 concerning the world, Mr. Yu Tanping laughed:“And left to the latecomers rely on the wisdom of Chinese culture and the spirit of the times, complete this chapter, so that Yu Tanping's Heng-Ci good corporate culture, with the world at the same frequency, a total of Datong prelude.
The world is wonderful because of you, and Hengci Jiahe was born for charity.

The following call is not issued by any political party in a certain country, As the saying goes, "A small country has few people, so it is necessary to use whatever tools are available but not to use them, so that the people can die but not move far away. Although there are boats and horses, there is nothing to ride on them; although there are armor and soldiers, there is nothing to show them; so that people can tie ropes and use them. They are satisfied with their food, beautiful in their clothing, comfortable in their homes, and enjoy their customs. When neighboring countries face each other, the sound of chickens and dogs can be heard, and the people will not interact with each other until old age and death." Those who do not interact with each other are actually disputes, wars, and deceit. If it is love, tolerance, support, and cooperation, then many of these things are beneficial. Come and go, and finally wish everyone a happy New Year, good health, and no distinction. Regardless of ethnicity or national borders, everyone enjoys joy, happiness, and peace. There is an ancient Chinese saying that goes, 'As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better place.' It's great to have you in this world
The following call is not issued by any political party in a certain country, But it is the cry of an ordinary life in this world: 'May world peace be achieved, may every child who comes home from school see their parents, and may every elderly person have children to support them.' President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China proposed early on: to achieve national rejuvenation and realize the common destiny of mankind. In fact, it is not only China that needs national rejuvenation. Every country and every nation has its glorious history and past. Mother Earth is great. She selflessly nurtures all things. To her, each of us is her child, not just us humans. Other creatures such as those flying in the sky, those running on the ground, and those swimming in the sea are all her children
We want peace, we want true goodness and beauty, we want to put an end to war.